Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Benefits To Aerating Your Lawn

The goal when aerating is to break down compacted soil and to perforate the ground with small holes to make way for oxygen, water and nutrients to induce absorption for better penetration of grass roots for a lush and fuller lawn. This is also done sometimes to remove any organic or inorganic debris under the grass’ surface that may be an added factor to decrease the amount of nutrients absorbed by the roots.

It is highly recommended to aerate your lawn if children or pets run and play around on it, or if you live in a newly constructed home since both of these have high probability of the soil being compacted by large construction vehicles.

Before aerating the lawn, the growing season in the location must first be distinguished, that way; the grass can grow and fill up open areas from where compacted soil has been removed.

lawn care aeration services

Aerating without professional help will work best with the right tools, if you only intend to poke holes into the ground, there is the spike aerator which resembles a fork and if removing a core or solid amount of soil is necessary, there is the plug aerator. Removal of compacted soil is actually more effective than just poking holes as this may cause the surrounding soil around the holes to harden once again.

If done properly, aeration can contribute a lot to producing a healthier lawn with low maintenance which is sure to save bucks and a front yard worthy of your neighbor’s envy.

Another one of the benefits to aerating your lawn is less water puddles due to the holes and spaces under the surface that permits free flow of water, which also enables the roots to absorb as much water as it needs. The grass can thoroughly absorb sunlight and any other good nutrients like fertilizers that may have been added to them; therefore they become more resilient to heat, against withering and also improves the surface cushioning. The free flowing air lets the grass photosynthesize properly, absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen in an improved fashion compared to how it cycles before. The thatch is also broken down so there is less soil accumulation and less need to aerate! The roots which enable the grass to absorb its requirements also become stronger in the process, so another benefit brought by performing aeration is the reduce in water runoff reversed by the roots’ increased water intake.

Call us to schedule your fall and winter lawn care aeration – 303-944-4421

The post Benefits To Aerating Your Lawn appeared first on Denver Sprinkler and Landscape.

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