Monday, November 21, 2016

Winterize your Outdoor Pond

Homeowners with outdoor ponds know the struggle of winterizing them. Every time people hear winter is coming, their main priorities should include securing their fish. Good news is that there are professional services that can help you make this task simpler and doable. The ultimate solution you need, therefore, is to find a trustworthy provider who can meet your needs and expectations in a timely manner.

You can either leave your fish outdoors in an in-ground pool or take them indoors. Once water temperature reached 42 degrees, koi and goldfish will naturally hide away. Therefore, you can winterize your outdoor pond by removing the pump and not giving the fish food. Koi and goldfish are cold-water fish so they can survive the season as long as the water is not frozen.

winterize your fish pond

Important Tips in Getting the Pond Winter-Ready

When the fall begins, that’s when you know it is time to winterize your outdoor pond. Instead of considering air temperature, it is actually more important to focus on water temperature. If you know how to check the temperature, you can easily prepare your pond for the winter. To make a winter-ready outdoor fishpond, here are some professional tips that you have to keep in mind:

  • Use a thermometer to determine water temperature. You can tie your thermometer and hold the string to easily retrieve it from the water.
  • When it comes to fish care, if the temperature level of the water is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, you can switch from typical fish food to wheat-germ base. This is because the latter is easy to digest. Remember, cool temperatures make it difficult for the fish to digest their food properly.
  • For plant care, it is always better to remove or trim dead leaves because they will only add to debris buildup in your pond. During fall, it is important to repot or divide plants since mild temperature makes it easier for the plants to heal their roots. Before the winter comes, make sure to trim your water lilies for healthier growth.
  • Changing the water in your pond can also help the fish and other living things live better. So a water change can help ensure that all is well in your outdoor fishpond. However, it is necessary to remove excess debris to prevent the pond from getting moldy.

For more professional insights, you can simply talk to a local service provider of outdoor pond winterization, so you will know exactly what to do.

The post Winterize your Outdoor Pond appeared first on Denver Sprinkler and Landscape.

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